Tania Fragoso Tania Fragoso

Family constellations as a tool for processing infant loss         

systemic constellation work or family systems therapy, is a therapeutic approach aimed at uncovering hidden dynamics within families or other systems. It originated from Bert Hellinger's work in the 20th century and draws from various psychological and philosophical principles. In a family constellation session, participants typically arrange representatives (this can be an object, a person and can be done in person or online) to stand in for family members or elements of a system. Through this process, underlying patterns, entanglements, and unresolved issues within the family system can be revealed and explored. The goal is to bring awareness to these dynamics and facilitate healing and resolution, ultimately fostering healthier relationships and personal growth within the family unit.

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closingofthebones Tania Fragoso closingofthebones Tania Fragoso

The frequency of grief and all the emotions in between

This ritual is so healing and profound that it is applicable for any time and period of a woman's life. I have facilitate it to woman, that had experience a beautiful and empowering birth, but also to those that had a more difficult one and needed a safe space to start to process it. I have facilitate it to woman that wanted to close their breastfeeding cycle. And I have facilitate it to woman that experience loss.

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Tania Fragoso Tania Fragoso

The time one of my images won an award….

this particular competition, gathers professionals from all around the world, submissions have grown since its inception 12 years ago and it has become the pinnacle of recognition for birth photographers. As this genre becomes more and more recognized for its added value, both for the families that choose to have it, as for its role of changing the way we perceive birth, creating awareness and dismistifying miths and fears. Proportionaly to this increasing awareness, the community of artists that document the powerful event that is birth, has also grown, and with that, it has been raising its standards, both creatively and technically. I personally can vouch for that, as I have invested through the years inis continnuos education and gear.

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postpartum, closingofthebones, rebozoceremony Tania Fragoso postpartum, closingofthebones, rebozoceremony Tania Fragoso

What is a Rebozo closing ceremony and why should do one

While during pregnancy our bodys and our minds are required to expand, during post-partum there is a need to close our physical bodies and re-define ourselves as this new entity that is being a mother.

The closing of the bones, allows the time and space to address the physical and the spiritual/psychological aspects of this journey.

Although, originally set to happen after the first 40 days postpartum, in reality, this ceremony can be used in any time of your life that you feel the need to carve some space to honor, reflect or come to terms with, and it is not uncommon that this ritual is also used when woman have a hysterectomy, come to the end of their breastfeeding journey, or at the end of a marriage, miscarriage or battling an illness, whatever the reason, you are worthy of honoring yourself this way.

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birthphotography, doula, birth support Tania Fragoso birthphotography, doula, birth support Tania Fragoso

Why you should hire a Doulatog (Doula & Photographer)

You always knew you wanted a Doula, but you’ve been following a couple of birth photographers on Instagram and now that you are pregnant, you catch yourself crying more often when you see those images for the first moments that you get to finally meet your little one, and you get it, why would someone want to invite a photographer to capture these moments and you want that too.

However, you’re not entirely sure if you budget will stretch this far, and If you want that extra person in the birth room, because your birth partner has been preparing since day one and has now attended more workshops than you. You’ve also just purchase the new iphone 13 pro max and how amazing are the images and videos that can produce, right?

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Tania Fragoso Tania Fragoso

The birth of Faro Garvey Löwe

For a second, the world stopped. I T R U S T E D the U N I V E R S E. I knew very deep inside of me that everything would be alright. I thought of the female elephant I had seen in my recent trip with Frida to Tanzania (where I took her after we both recovered from Covid) giving birth to her baby elephant. She had no husband around, no midwife, no doula supporting her. If she could do it, I could do it. I felt the animalistic force of nature holding my hand.

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Tania Fragoso Tania Fragoso

Doulas, Partners and Labor

“While the doula probably knows more than the partner about birth, hospitals and maternity care, the partner knows more about the woman’s personality, likes, dislikes and needs. Moreover, he loves the woman more than anyone else there. The combination of partner and doula, along with a caring staff gives the woman the best chance of an optimal outcome.”. Penny Simkin Quote from The Birth Partner.

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