birthphotography, doula, birth support Tania Fragoso birthphotography, doula, birth support Tania Fragoso

Why you should hire a Doulatog (Doula & Photographer)

You always knew you wanted a Doula, but you’ve been following a couple of birth photographers on Instagram and now that you are pregnant, you catch yourself crying more often when you see those images for the first moments that you get to finally meet your little one, and you get it, why would someone want to invite a photographer to capture these moments and you want that too.

However, you’re not entirely sure if you budget will stretch this far, and If you want that extra person in the birth room, because your birth partner has been preparing since day one and has now attended more workshops than you. You’ve also just purchase the new iphone 13 pro max and how amazing are the images and videos that can produce, right?

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